What is Art Medicine?

Art Medicine is where ART and HEALING come together, where CREATION and TRANSFORMATION meet.

Are you an Art Medicine Maker? Do you…

  • Have a FIRE in your belly and you know that ART is calling you, but you don’t know what to do?

  • Know you’re an artist, but you’re not a fine artist so you’re not sure where you fit?

  • Feel called to make ART that HEALS, but you’re not sure how to make the connection between being a healer and an artist?

  • Have a soul crying out to create, but don’t know how to “be” an artist.

  • Know you’re an ARTIST, but aren’t sure what kind of artist you are

  • Know you’re a HEALER, but you’re called to create and make art as well…?

  • You have so many interests in HEALING and CREATIVITY and you’re not sure which path to choose…?

You are a MULTI-CREATIVE and this is all one path!

It’s the path of weaving ART and HEALING and TRANSFORMATION together…


Your Creativity Is Your Healer & Your Guide


  • Fully embracing the intersection of the two beings that exist inside of you - the Artist and the Healer

  • Honoring your multi-creativity and weaving together your gifts and passions into a cohesive vision that heals and transforms not only yourself, but others and the world

  • Feeling confident in your art and creativity, knowing there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to create art

  • Developing a consistent devotional art practice that opens up a direct line to Spirit, allowing you to tap into guidance during pivotal or transformational times in your life

  • Healing at the very root of what holds you back, unlocking the truest parts of yourself so you can live in complete authenticity

Whether you’re a healer ready to bring transformative creative practices into your work, or you’re an artist who wants to bring elements of healing through your creation…

You are ready to Heal through your Creativity - first for yourself and then for others,
and ultimately to make an impact in the world.